Our Prayers are God's Opportunity to be Known

by Jay Bruner, Senior Pastor


Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. Acts 12:5


Prayer is the link that connects us to God's presence, provision, and power. It's the bridge that spans every chasm, every gulf, every stormy sea and carries us safely to the place where His protection and peace reside. It also offers Him the opportunity to display His truth, His power, and His Glory in our lives.


Think of the significance of the first-century church; everything seemed to be coming against it, and Peter was in prison. The Jews and Roman officials appeared to be triumphant. Herod still reigned supreme, and the stage of persecution and death awaited the following day to see Peter's blood spilled. But the church earnestly prayed to God for Him. So what was the outcome? The prison shook and opened, and Peter walked free. The Jews and all in authority were silenced, and as a sign of punishment, the wicked King Herod "was eaten by worms and died." Then an even greater victory occurred, "The word of God continued to increase and spread" Acts 12:23-24.


Do we truly recognize the privilege and power of the supreme weapon of prayer? Do we overlook the opportunity, by faith, to step in and not only ask but invoke the heart of God to move upon His promises? When we accept Christ as our Savior and Lord, He baptizes us with His Spirit granting us the divine privilege of speaking with confidence to Him to exert His will in our lives. Why would He do this? It's simple, He is not looking to make people great, but for people who will dare to prove the greatness of their God! "But the church was earnestly praying…"


In our prayers, we should be cautious not to limit our God by our flippant attitudes, unbelief, or by thinking we know what He can or can't do. Instead, we must learn to expect the unexpected beyond all we ask or think. We should humbly begin each prayer by simply rejoicing and worshiping God, who grants us an audience. We must bring Him the glory that is His, then think of what He can do and what He desires to do. We must remember how He delights in Jesus Christ His Son and our place in Him – Then pray and expect great things for His glory.


What can prayer do for you? Absolutely everything God desires for your good and His glory!


By the way, talking about prayer isn't praying, just sayin'.


We find the expression "the living God" throughout scripture, yet it is the very thing we are so prone to forget. We know it is written "the living God," but in our daily life, there is almost nothing we lose sight of as often as the fact that God is the living God. We forget that He is now exactly what He has always been, that He has the same sovereign power He has always had, and that He extends the same gracious love towards those who love and serve Him. We often forget that He will do for us now what He did for all those who have gone before us because He is the unchanging, living God.


The great Reformation theologian Martin Luther, deep in thought and needing to grasp hidden strength during a time of immense danger and fear in his life, was seen tracing on the table with his fingers the words, "He lives! He lives!" This is the living hope for ourselves and humankind. Candidly people come and go. Teachers, preachers, leaders, and philosophers speak and work for a season and then fall silent and powerless. He remains, He abides, He lives on. They die, but He lives on. They are lights that glow yet will extinguish. But He is the true "Light" from which life draws its brightness and shines forever.


What a great reason to confide in Him, and when faced with our darkest moments, never lose sight of the fact He is still, and ever will be, the living God!


Question, do you believe He is the living God? Have you invited Him into your life? If He is, (which He is!) and if we have invited Him into our lives, then why do we so often live as if He isn't living? Choose to walk and talk with Him, looking for Him in every moment, always placing our trust in Him, for in a moment, His life-changing love can, and will, act. Be assured, if you walk with Him, look to Him, and expect help from Him. He will not fail you. Now and for eternity, life always has hope because He is the living God!


Blessings to you,


Pastor Jay