By Dr. David Sylvester, Executive Pastor of Operations
Are you influential?
An old phrase generally attributed to Confucius reads, "He who thinks he leadeth and hath no one following him is only taking a walk."
Few among us want to isolate and give in to agoraphobia (the fear of crowds and people). Still, of course, the unique personalities God has graciously given us do inform our lifestyles. And the environments where we live and breathe vary in size and scope. Business leaders with a large number of employees and those who live at home and focus on the household have a lesser crowd to influence. And as Seinfeld might say, "Not that there is anything wrong with that."
Jesus was influential with individuals, his inner circle of three, the group of 12, and with the 5000 on the seashore who gathered to hear him teach and enjoy a fish sandwich. All environments are important. Size does not make might.
In the Christian life, we live in groups and teams, and the caring leader emerges as a person of great influence. Who among us wants to follow a leader or receive influence from someone who does not care about us as individuals?
Have you noticed in what formation geese fly? The flying V is not accidental. The lead goose often emerges based on personality or influence, moves to the front, and leads. The wind lift generated by the pack allows the group to fly 71% farther and faster than if flying individually. In time, the lead goose will tire, drop back and allow another to take the lead.
When a goose gets into trouble, loses strength, or has an illness and drops out, two additional geese are dispatched to fly alongside the ailing goose providing a wind lift to their friend until he can rejoin the flock. I bet they honk a little too to keep their friend motivated. Scientists claim that honking is cheerleading to geese.
I know you are ahead of me in the obvious lessons from our feathery friends. Leaders often step aside and allow others to lead; “we” is better than “me”; if you want to go far, go together; and people who struggle need a friend or two to fly alongside them and help renew them to wholeness and service.
Jesus had the twelve, but he could have accomplished his mission without them. He cared for them, gave them leadership roles, and gently nursed them back to health when needed. Jesus was a servant leader! How about us?
Look behind you. Anyone following?