Center Point Church is hosting an outdoor, family-friendly block party on September 11, 5:00 – 8:30 pm. Make plans to join us as we fellowship with neighbors from our community for this fun event! We’ll have live music by Sugar the Band, Illusionist Zak Mirzadeh (shows at 6pm and 7:30pm), food trucks, Kona Ice, bounce houses, face painting, door prizes, and more! This event is free, except for the Food Trucks and Kona Ice. You won't want to miss it!



Zak  is a Professional Illusionist and has toured for nearly a decade entertaining audiences all over the world.


Zak's latest projects include being a magic advisor for David Blaine's latest special "The Magic Way", an appearance on Travel Channel's "Magic Caught On Camera" & creating a deck of cards that helped raise awareness and money to end human trafficking.


And he is thrilled to be with us for TWO shows at our Block Party - 6:00pm and 7:30pm!


Sugar the Band will be with us all evening! They are a Yacht Rock Tribute Band playing 70s and 80s Soft Rock. You can check out their Facebook Page here

Sugar Yacht Rock Tribute Band playing 70s and 80s Soft Rock



Door Prizes

Food Trucks

Kona Ice

Bounce HousesBOU

Kid's Barrel Train

Face Painting

The Balloon Man

Bull Riding

Special 9/11 Tribute

and More!!