Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered ministry for everyone! At any given time in life, we may struggle with a hurt, a habit, or some type of a hang-up. The majority of attendees struggle with life’s issues which may include but are not limited to, anger, loneliness, broken relationships, a general sense that something is wrong, divorce, loss of loved one, loss of a job, issues that are symptoms of being an adult child.
In addition, obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, Alcohol, drug, and sex addiction, love and relationship issues as well as codependency may be addressed and effectively dealt with in an environment of love, acceptance, and total anonymity. The kingdom of God requires us to come together to work through our issues so that we may become full of Christ’s love and live in freedom from these binding issues.
Celebrate Recovery is based on the beatitudes and twelve steps. It consists of a large group gathering with worship followed by a small gender-specific group meeting and ending in a fellowship time of snacks and coffee. As we progress in victory over our issues we suggest participating in “step studies”, which gather on another night of the week determined by the group attendees and may meet on or off-campus.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Monday at 6:30p.m. in the Warehouse. Childcare is provided. Doors open at 6:00p.m. for a time of fellowship and snacks.
Celebrate Recovery Leadership Contacts:
Men's Leadership: Brian Lewis - 682-564-2126
Women's Leadership: Angela Lewis - 682-564-5871